Saturday, November 1, 2008

What is the LA Times Hiding?

The latest media outrage is the LA Times’s refusal, a mere week before the election, to show the video of Obama toasting the welfare of and commenting on Yasser Arafat’s media spokesman, Rashid Khalidi, at a party.Also at that party apparently was Bill Ayers(the 60’s radical who bombed the Pentagon) who was “just a guy in the neighborhood”. Amazing isn’t it how he just keeps turning up wherever Obama is.And note there’s always an excuse Obama offers for the relationship he has with a radical. This is now about the 4th or 5th radical alliance Obama has had for which he has offered up an excuse. And people actually think this guy’s a centrist?Also at the party were speakers who apparently gave various anti Israel rants and harangues.Rather than let the public decide what the video shows, the LA Times, in Pravda like fashion, tries to filter what selected info it believes is relevant to the public.The Times not only admits it has the video but offers the tepid defense “we promised our source we won’t release the video”(saying essentially we’ll rather just spin what’s on the video through our media filter so it doesn’t damage Barack Obama).So if the Times had obtained the Watergate Tapes from a source who said “please keep the tape confidential”, the Times, according to this rationale, would have done so?This is a national outrage. Let’s not take the chance on Obama the radical, vote McCain

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